Sitemap - 2024 - Philosophy Publics

5 Philosophy Substacks Worth Checking Out

Arthur Schopenhauer: On Thinking for Yourself

This Week In Philosophy Publics

On the Perils Of Philosophy

Place, Space, and the Void that Binds

Aristotle and the 'Virtue paradox': The Battle of Virtue vs. Virtue Signalling

Society Of The Spectacle by Guy Debord

This Week In Philosophy Publics

Space as Place

Of Grammatology by Jacques Derrida

The Gender of Space

All That Space Is Not

Space as the Power to Receive and Hold

The Idea of Space, Where From?

On Female Body Experience: "Throwing Like a Girl" and Other Essays by Iris Marion Young

The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The woman who taught Socrates the meaning of love

The Culture Industry by Theodor Adorno

Heidegger In A Tiny Nutshell

Bachelard's The Poetics of Space

The Intersubjectivity Series

Search for the Real and Other Essays by Hans Hofmann (Exegesis)

The Subject and its Other According To Levinas

Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Exegesis)

10 Kinds of Public Philosophy, and a Doubt About the Very Name

The Dolly-Llama

What Queer Has Been

Merleau-Ponty On Other Selves and the Human World


The Elephant In Our House

The Subject and its Other in Continental Philosophy

Epicurus' Tetrapharmakon in the Age of Crisis

Artificial Creativity

Breaking from the Pace of the Net

The Strange Unpredictability at the Heart of Our Common Humanity

A Romp Through Early 19th Century Philosophy

Foucault’s Care of the Self and the Cultivation of Pleasure

Hyper-Individualism & the Entrepreneurial Self

Life and the Self

Why Everything is Becoming a Game

Heidegger On What Makes For A Good Friend

5 Philosophy Substacks Worth Checking Out

What is Philosophy?

Be Right Back

Narrow, Widen, Advise?

This Week In Philosophy Publics

Should AI Decide What We See Online, Based On Our Values?

Dear Philosopher: How Can I Discover My Authentic Self?

This Week In Philosophy Publics

Seeing and Being Seen Seeing: Sartre’s Voyeuristic Reimagining of Hegel’s Master/Slave Dialectic

Our Indomitable Spirit: Finding Purpose in Pointless Work

The Dialectics of Recognition

This Week In Philosophy Publics

Dear Philosopher: Should I live paycheck-to-paycheck in a city, or comfortably in a more remote area?

Aubrey Beardsley Love Machine

Funny Biz With Philosophy Quotes

How This Latina-American Became A French Feminist

This Week In Philosophy Publics

On a Discourse That Might Not Be a Semblance (Seminar XVIII), Episode 5

A Houndstory of Philosophy

The Yellow Wallpaper

Something Mechanical Encrusted Upon the Living

6 Inspiring Examples of Creative Autonomy

This Week in Philosophy Publics

Three Feminist Philosophers On the Woman Question

Creative Autonomy

Why Philosophy? Helen De Cruz

This Is Not Philosophy

Happiness Machine Happiness

Why Study Hegel’s Master/Slave Dialectic in the Phenomenology of Spirit?

Special Issue: Technē and Feminism, Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)

How To Keep A Philosophy Notebook

Establishing A Philosophy Reading Practice

Things Are Queer - Duane Michals

The Last Years of Karl Marx

The Production of American Individualism

Decay Art

Simone de Beauvoir’s Phenomenology of Race in America Day by Day [excerpt]

The Desire For Community

The Death Of Philosophers