This Week In Philosophy Publics
A resume of this week's posts and best in notes, so you wont miss a thing!
That is all for this week! I am using the Notes section to post links to the things that I am reading. If you’d like to chat about any of these pieces with me, let me know. We can jump on a call, live, or open up a thread. Could be fun, right?
Upcoming, I am working on a piece on AI (the fantasies and hype, the fear, and the Real), and a piece on Satre’s “The Look” in Being and Nothingness. Also, the new “Dear Philosopher” Advice column is proving popular, so I will continue that as a series. If you have a human-all-too-human problem you would like some clarity around, send it to me for a chance to have it appear in an upcoming “Dear Philosopher” post.
Today is my last day at the coding bootcamp job that sucked up a lot of my time, so I will have more time moving forward - this GenX is stoked!
Ooh the death of effective altruism looks interesting. I wrote a piece about this a while ago, or at least some of the problems with effective altruism.
I’d love to read it! I have a nephew into this, been chatting with him. Might write a piece on the utilitarianism underlying…