It’s actually a pretty compelling narrative. Necessity creates a representation of itself within itself (a fetus, if you will), thus creating reason. Reason brings order to necessity by individuating — breaking necessity into parts — turning the analog into the digital. But if you keep “breaking” the digital it eventually becomes analog. And so reason eventually becomes necessity. And the cycle repeats.

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I agree, it is compelling! Think of Necessity as a mother and Reason as a father, and we have a family drama as the main analogy in Plato's cosmontology. Gender roles are baked into Western metaphysics! This may mean that, if you are working for women's equal rights you not only have an economic and political problem on your hands, but the way we organize our thinking and our reality is "mounted" on top of old old school patriarchal and misogyny. As Luce Irigaray will say, we have to rethink space and metaphysics to get to the bottom of women's subjugation and oppression.

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