I like your suggestion! And it definitely seems like a variation on the theme.

As to your point: “The problem is not really that we don’t have the ability to curate content for ourselves while online — we could choose to only consume quality content — but probably that we lack the will to do so”

I don’t actually think the problem is that we aren’t curating things for ourselves because we lack the will to do so. As you point out: we did this on the early internet and it was largely great! The problem is that the early internet was free. And when we needed to figure out a way to monetize the internet we landed on monetizing our attention (which is why we introduced algorithms). But I think we could monetize the internet without monetizing our attention. We just need to change what wins the algorithm!

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Agreed, trying to curate your own content feels like fighting a loosing battle against these algos that want to steal our attention. That is why many be we need our own algos to fight their algos, so we can at least have a fighting chance.

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Yes to our algos fighting their algos haha!!!!!!

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Yes, Facebook assumes dog food and bedside tables lie at the core of my being. AI can define the nature of our existence, the essence of our individuality. It can reduce us to a 'useless passion', to quote Sartre's famous words. It really does become a question of self mastery, an assertion of the will. And the trouble is that many live in a state of stupefaction.

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Hahaha, this is very funny. I often wonder what these algos think I'm all about, they think they know us but really they don't. Heck, half the time I wonder why I do what I do and have to stop and think about what I'm feeling. So if we aren't transparent to ourselves, can the "AI" algorithms really know us, like better? All they have is a record of our actions online, right? Although, if we interact with AI chatbots, they have some of our inner thoughts and how we think.... hmmmm

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One could write a very satirical romance novella about this à la Huxley or Waugh.

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It could be a 21C version of the Echo and Narcissus myth.

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I like how you think....🤔

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In effect, we have the capacity to change the algorithm when we change our choices. It is choosing to change that is the issue. 'I am the captain of my ship, I am the master of my fate'.

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If it's your algo, yes, but if it's not your algo then it pushes back, trying to persuade you that you like something you may not. Changing is hard for most humans, but really really hard if working against an algo that keeps putting content in front of them to, more or less passively, consume. I think....

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